Lee says:
“I am available as a speaker for groups, seminars, conferences, youth ministry, reading groups, missions events, Rotary or Kiwanis Clubs, Mecha chapters … whatever your needs require. I bring over twenty-five years of experience in ministry, including nearly fifteen years as a cross-cultural missionary. For eight years, my wife, children and I lived and worked outside of Mexico City. I can deliver my talks in either English or Spanish. My wife and I met during a missions internship in Greece. Besides the nonfiction articles and opinion pieces that are listed at my website – in both English and Spanish – I am a regular contributor to InSite magazine, published by the Christian Camp and Conference Association. Therefore, the most popular topics about which I speak include:
- Letter to Sons: Enabling young men to achieve authentic manhood.©
- Secrets of a Successful Waiter: Unpeeling the misconceptions about waiting on God.©
- Chiapas: Martyrs and exiles in southern Mexico: the persecution, the history and the response.©
- Fear of Success: Unexpected lessons from the life of Jonah.©
- The Mini-Handbook for Ministry: 2 Corinthians 4.
- The Six Distinctive Marks of True and Practical Discipleship.” ©
- “11:11” Workshop.
For detailed information about each topic, click on the title in the menu to the right.
In addition, Lee and his staff can prepare a custom-tailored talk for your event, from humor to in-depth socio-political, multi-cultural commentary … from relieving stress to deepening your parenting skills.